A little example of how asyncio works

This is a simple example to show how Asyncio works without using Asyncio itself, instead using a basic and poorly written event loop. This is only meant to give a flavor of what Asyncio does behind the curtains. I’m avoiding most details of the library design, like callbacks, just to keep this simple. Since this is written as an illustration, rather than real code, I’m going to dispense with trying to keep it 2.7 compatible.

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GTest Submodule

Note: There is a better way to do this described here.

If you’ve ever tried apt-get or brew to try to install gtest, you are probably familiar with the fact that gtest is not “recommend” for global install on your system. As an alternative, the recommendation is that you make it part of your project. The process for making gtest part of your project, however, is not well documented, at least for modern git projects. What follows is the procedure I used to do so.

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Slots in Python

Slots seem to be poorly documented. What they do is simple, but whether they are used is tricky. This is a little mini-post on slots.

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Basics of metaclasses

This is a quick tutorial over the basics of what metaclasses do.

The Metaclass

Metaclasses, while seemingly a complex topic, really just do something very simple. They control what happens when you have code that turns into a class object. The normal place they are executed is right after the class statement. Let’s see that in action by using print as our metaclass.

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Factory classmethods in Python

I haven’t seen a great deal of practical documentation about using classmethods as factories in Python (which is arguably the most important use of a classmethod, IMO). This post hopes to fill in that gap.

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