These are some illustrations and videos that I have made over the years.
University of Texas MayaMuon work

Example from FastTimes
Figure for a FastTimes article.

Detector Design
An illustration of our detector strips.

Icon for DetGUI2
The icon for DetGUI 2, which could run our detectors.

Stack of steel plates
Discarded concept art for a momentum measurement.

Suspension system for detector casing
Concept art for the actual mechanism used
University of Texas Lab 102m rewrite
All 11 labs were recorded and you can see them on YouTube here. Here is the list:
- Lab 1: Kinematics - the first lab I was just getting used to making the videos, and hadn’t perfected recording yet.
- Lab 2: Vectors - This one is not my best speaking performance, but has some useful animations.
- Lab 3: Atwood machine, forces
- Lab 4: Atwood machine, energy
- Lab 5: Collisions - I really like the animations here.
- Lab 6: Torque - I which I didn’t draw the arrow backward for the torque. I still like this one though.
- Lab 7: Rotational motion
- Lab 8: Buoyancy - Another one with nice animations
- Lab 9: Pendulums and springs - I also like the animations here.
- Lab 10: Standing waves - The final two labs were filmed on a phone the semester before, and were the test pilot for the videos.
- Lab 11: Heat
All new consistently styled figures were created for my rewrite of the lab manual for the class I was head TA for. Figures were primarily designed in Blender with a shared theme and an automatic renderer that could produce all figures at once from sources. A few TiKZ figures and Inkscape figures were included, as well, when appropriate. The TiKZ and Inkscape Verneer caliper figure was written as a LaTeX function, with opening amount as a parameter, and optional explanations, and was also used in tests. Here is a sampling of figures. Some figures were featured as animations in the video series, with new styling to match the video theme. One image chosen from each of the 11 labs.

Diagram from lab 1

Diagram from lab 2

Diagram from lab 3

Diagram from lab 5

Diagram from lab 6

Diagram from lab 7

Diagram from lab 8

Diagram from lab 9

Diagram from lab 10

Diagram from lab 11
University of Cincinnati images

Python bindings.
Python bindings timeline.

GooFit 2.1+.
Python bindings in GooFit.

A ship load of charm.
Illustration of Run 2 vs. Run 3.
Angelo State University Modern lab manual rewrite
I helped with the modern lab rewrite as an undergraduate, including supplying many of the figures. May add them here someday if I find them.
Other (personal)
Some images:
- Martia Lisa - A project for an introductory art class as an undergraduate.
- Rosco plays racquetball - Old image for a Racquetball club. I made a better version at one point that had a white background that was used as a poster.
- Cave dragon - A dragon in a cave.
And, some videos:
- Live wavelet encoding - Used in a talk to demonstrate wavelet encoding on a video. Used a clip from Brothers of the Force.
- Brothers of the force - Two brothers find something incredible. A homemade Star Wars inspired mini-film that I made as an undergraduate with my family.